
Design Process

Is there a variation, similarities and patterns in the architecture design process? Founding are presented in the slides below.

Be sure to check out the summary of this research.


  1. Interesting work.

    Does design process for other design field related such industrial design, graphic and even music are the same as the architecture design process?

  2. wow, hey thanks for asking Anonymous.
    Hmm... I think its an interesting point to be discovered.

  3. Salam Muhammad.. i hope u still active in ur writing.. i was discovered your presentation slide on design process. just wondering if i would like to get further infomation on your research, would u like to share with me and let me save it in my folder so that it can be refer by others too. btw i'd tried to traced Reekie R. Fraser work, it seems i cannot get it for free in via internet.. can u give me some advice on this, coz i really interested to know detail about his writing on design process. thank you

  4. Salams Nora, Thank you for taking interest in my work. Yes, I'm still active.

    Working on several articles and podcast at the moment. For Reekie Ronald Fraser, you could check out this links. Its a really old book.



    Regarding mr. fraser theory on design process, its was quite linear in between stages. One step at a time.

    That what most of us thought how a design process should be as we embarked our journey in learning architecture (before the overcoming projects complexity and multitasking became a priority).

  5. Hi there,
    we hired a consultant who uses your slides from slideshare.
    i personally really appreciate what you have shown in these slides.
    so i decided to do some more extended research based on your slides.
    i bought the book Design Method by JC JONES. But I could not find the quote you used in this slide, which is "Design process is choosing the best solutions out of several divisions of design solutions".

    I also got a copy of How Designer think? by Bryan Layson
    same situation happened, i couldn't locate where he said "There are no steps in Design process. Everything is happening at the same time!"

    did i miss something? just need to clarify are these your own words or these two sentences are really from these two masters?

    this is really an inspiring work no doubt. Hope you keep coming up with more stuff like this.

    Happy Design

  6. Hello Jing,
    Thank you for you interest in my research paper.

    Regarding Bryan Lawson, yes you are right in some way, there is no way of simplifying the writings of Mr. Lawson without going through an elaborate and complex views of what is a 'design process'. i.e why you couldn't find that statement.

    During my research, I have to summarized his core views about the process and i was referring based on a diagram where he placed all the process in components that forming a complete pyramid.

    Here, I've inserted my own summary based on his writings. Again, it is an intricate matter perhaps my summary are solely based on selective content in relating to architecture process to support my research findings.

    Again, Thank you for your interest.
    + And please send my regards to the consultant for promoting my slides :)

    take care,

  7. WOW thanks for ur prompt reply.
    I SEE, i think you summaried pretty well.
    During my research, i can also find a power point file "promoting" your slides http://ebookbrowse.com/aya-ibrahim-design-methods-1-ppt-d213454409

    I hope you get credit from since you deserve it. your work is a very good presentation of "design method in a nutshell"

    The most amazing thing is, our consultant use ure slides to explain "User Experience Design Process"
    and it fits well :)

    you rock, man

  8. Hi Jing,

    Thank you for your kind words + the links :)

    I believe the 'promoting' have now come 'full circle' that lead you here. It delights me that this slides have resonated to you and others.

    May I know what are your research especially in relating to the user experience?


  9. HEY WM
    my company is an IC semiconductor manufacturer who focuses on TV and mobile phones(feature phones and smart phones). I belong to the UX department which is pretty new in this company.
    in the old days we never did any research on how to analyze the requests or issues from the clients, we JUST DO WHATEVER THEY ASK.
    BUT days are different now, UX is becoming a big word and it does make differences when you sell your products. Out clients found that some of the functionality they thought was right turned out is wrong. the core problem is we lost the analysis and synthesis parts in our process. we jump from briefing to implement way too soon. the results is: Consumers don't even like the functions or features since they dont have the need or it just doesnt work as they expect.
    I am trying to find the right processes to create a working model between our company and our clients, so far we probably work as model 3:Centralized cause we are more rapid and fast-paced.
    At the same time we are trying to understand a method called AGILE, and wanted to figure out how to apply it to our current workflow.

    Well, its a complex situation here, but your slides inspire me and our team a lot. i would love to give the credit to you. ^^

    thanks for answering my questions.



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